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高考what how 感叹句题,高考what

tamoadmin 2024-05-15 人已围观

简介不定代词 one 不如 which 这样的非限制性关系代词引导的定语从句更能解释这句的成分结构。one (which) you can learn ... 用做a habit 的同位成分。连接代词what用于句首相当于the one that,有实意,特指,引导同位语从句。关系代词属于连词,但是不能引导名词性从句,This museum is the one you visited that da

高考what how 感叹句题,高考what

不定代词 one 不如 which 这样的非限制性关系代词引导的定语从句更能解释这句的成分结构。

one (which) you can learn ... 用做a habit 的同位成分。

连接代词what用于句首相当于the one that,有实意,特指,引导同位语从句。


This museum is the one you visited that day = this museum is the one which/that/\ you visited that day. 用做定语从句里的宾语的关系代词可以省略。

文章标签: # 代词 # one # what